Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq: Imam of the Muslims

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

The 25th of Shawwal marks the death of Imām Ja’far ibn Muḥammad al-Ṣādiq (d. 765), the great-great grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. He was recognized as one of the greatest authorities of his time and left a lasting legacy as one of the most important intellectual and religious figures in Islamic history. For Twelver and Isma’iil Shi’is, he was the infallible Imam of the Age, the Proof of God sent as a source of guidance for mankind. His Imamate lasted for 34 years, one of the longest in history. He has been designated “Shaykh al-‘Ulamā’” and “Imām al-Fuqahā’” for his noble rank as one of the most knowledgeable men that the Islamic world  has ever seen. He was the teacher of Imām Mālik (d. 795), Imām Abū Ḥanifa (d. 767) and Sufyān al-Thawrī (d. 778), among others. He played a key role in the development of the science of jurisprudence (fiqh) as well as the inner mystical sciences of Islam.


He was descended of Imam Ali b. Abi Talib through his father and Abu Bakr from his mother’s side. The overwhelming majority of Sufi chains of lineage go through him. ‘Alī Hojvīrī (d. 1071), one of the major Persian scholars of Sufism, described Ja‘far al-Ṣādiq as “sayf-e sonnat wa jamal-e tariqat wa mo’abber-e ma’refat wa mozayyen-e safwat” (the sword of the Sunnah, the beauty of the Path, the Interpreter of Mystical Knowledge, and the adornment of Pure Devotion). Another major Persian Sufi, Shaykh Fārid al-Dīn ‘Attar (d. 1221) identified Ja‘far al-Ṣādiq as one of the most important Imams of Ahl al-Bayt who “excelled in writing on innermost mysteries and truths and who was matchless in expounding the subtleties and secrets of revelation” (latayef-e asrar-e tanzil wa tafsir).

Among his pieces of advice to his student, Sufyān al-Thawrī, was the following:

“If God bestows on you a favor, and you wish to keep that favor, then you must praise and thank Him excessively, because He said, “If you are thankful God will increase for you” [14:7]. He also said, “If the door of provision is closed for you, then make a great deal of istighfar(begging forgiveness), because God said, “Seek forgiveness of your Lord, certainly Your Lord is oft-Forgiving” [11:52]. And he said to Sufyān, “If you are upset by the tyranny of a Sultan or other oppression that you witness, say “There is no change and no power except with God,” (la hawla wa la quwwata illa-billah) because it is the key to relief and one of the Treasures of Paradise.”

He is also revered by the scholars of hadith and he narrates at least 2000 traditions which are found in the nine major books of Sunni hadith, with 110 of these found within the six canonical collections (Sihah al-Sitta). He was the teacher of four founders of Islamic schools of thought: Mālik ibn Anas (d. 795), Abū Ḥanīfa al-Nu‘mān (d. 767), Sufyān al-Thawrī (d. 778), and ‘Abd al-Raḥmān al-Awzā‘ī (d. 774). In addition, the ḥadīth scholars and jurists Ibn Jurayj (d. 767), Sufyān ibn ‘Uyayna (d. 815) and Shu’ba ibn al-Ḥajjāj (d. 776) also studied under him.


Lives of the Khalifa ar Rashideen – Comprehensive Audio Series

This Lecture series is the most comprehensive i have come across, it is by Sheikh Mohammed Sindhi from the Islamic information center Leicester, UK. The Files require real player (.rm) which is free, the player has a built in converter which can convert them to mp3, which produces a better audio quality but increases the file size.

Illustrious Companions

01.   Immense Love for The Prophet (PBUH) 02.   First Indication of Transfer of Khilafah (Pt 1) 03.   First Indication of Transfer of Khilafah (Pt 2)
04.   The Transfer of Khilafah 05.   Allegiance to Abu Bakr (RA)

Life of Abu Bakr (RA)

06.   The First Khalif (Pt 1) 07.   The Most Honourable (Pt 2) 08.   The Humble Nature (Pt 3)
09.   The Close Advisor (Pt 4) 10.   The Blessed Companion (Pt 5) 11.   The Family Tree (Pt 6)
12.   The Great Warrior (Pt 7) 13.   The Battle of Badr (Pt 8) 14.   The Battle of Yamama (Pt 9)
15.   The Garden of Death (Pt 10) 16.   The Shuhada of Yamama (Pt 11) 17.   Khalid Bin Walid, The Commander (Pt 12)
18.   Khalid, Sword of Allah (Pt 13) 19.   Khalid, Expeditions to Ablaa & Mutaa (Pt 14) 20.   The Yielding Companion (Pt 15)
21.   Resolute Amidst Tribulations (Pt 16) 22.   The Battle of Yarmuk (Pt 17) 23.   Battle for Sham (Pt 18)
24.   The Attack on Busra (Pt 19) 25.   The Advance to Ajnadeen (Pt 20) 26.   The Battle of Ajnadeen (Pt 21)
27.   The Victory of Ajnadeen (Pt 22) 28.   The Advance to Dimashk (Pt 23) 29.   The Battle of Marjus Safar (Pt 24)
30.   The Siege of Dimashk (Pt 25) 31.   The Battle of Baytul Lehya (Pt 26) 32.   Attempts to Break the Siege (Pt 27)
33.   Mujahideen Infiltrate Dimashk (Pt 28) 34.   Khalid Fulfills his Vow (Pt 29) 35.   The Concluding Chapter (Pt 30)
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Khalid bin Waleed

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Tomb of Khalid-bin-Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him)

Khalid-bin-Waleed (may Allah be pleased with him), the companion of Rasulullah (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and the greatest Muslim general to have lived is buried along with his son in a corner of this mosque in Homs. Khalid’s tombstone depicts a list of over 50 victorious battles that he commanded without defeat (not including small battles). A sword of his is also on display as well as a shield that is displayed outside.

  • Prior to him accepting Islam, Khalid fought on the side of the Quraysh in the Battle of Uhud and it was his military manoeuvres that led to the deaths of 70 Sahabah.
  • After embracing Islam, Khalid (may Allah be pleased with him) first took charge of a Muslim army at the Battle of Mu’ta after the three leaders appointed by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) had been martyred. He successfully commanded a protective withdrawal. Khalid (may Allah be pleased with him) broke 9 swords during combat in the battle and after the Battle of Mu’ta he was given the title Saifullah (Sword of Allah).
  • He was one of the most successful military commanders of all time. He is noted for his military prowess, commanding the forces of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and those of his immediate successors of the Rashidun Caliphate; Abu Bakr and Umar ibn al-Khattab. He has the distinction of being undefeated in over a hundred battles, against the numerically superior forces of the Byzantine Roman Empire, the Sassanid Persian Empire, and their allies. His greatest strategic achievements were his swift conquest of the Persian Empire’s Iraq and conquest of Roman Syria within three years from 633 to 636 CE, while his greatest tactical achievements were his successful double envelopment maneuver at Walaja and his decisive victories at Yamamah, Ullais and Yarmouk.
  • In 631 CE he participated in the farewell Hajj of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). According to a narration, when the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) shaved his head, Khalid (may Allah be pleased with him) took some of his hairs. When asked by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) the reason for this, he replied, “I will keep these hairs with me forever as a relic so that they will help me be victorious in battles.“ Later he sewed those hairs in his cap, which he always wore under his turban.
  • The tragedy of this great Sahabi was to die on his bed. He himself narrates, “ I attended such-and-such a battle, and such-and-such a battle, proceeding (towards the enemies); and there is no spot of my body but that it has either a sword’s strike, a spear’s pierce or an arrow’s throw. And now I’m dying on my bed, in the same way as the camel dies. May the eyes of the cowards never sleep.”
  • Scholars have commented that the reason he died a natural death was that he was ‘The Sword of Allah’ and thus it was not possible for him to be killed by another man.

Source:  Men around the Messenger – Khalid Mohammed Khalid

Martyrdom of Imam al-Hussain (Radhi Allah Anhu)

The Prophet said: Hussain is from me and I am from Hussain [Narrated in Jami’ Tirmidhi in Merits of Al-Hassan and Hussain, Hadith No.3708, where he declared it Hasan (fair).

The major trait of Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jamm’ah is immense love for the family of Prophet especially his grandsons whom he himself loved immensely. To write a detailed biography on merits of his 2 grandsons would require uncountable pages therefore we have taken detailed extracts from the famous history work called “Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah written by Imam Ibn Kathir (rah)” It mentions virtues of Imam Hussain (Radhi Allah Anhu), his martyrdom, “what actually happened” “who was behind his martyrdom” “who fought him” “where” “when” “how” and why?” and the correct way of how we should remember him.

The Bouquet of flowers!

Below are detailed extracts from Imam Ibn Kathir (Rahimuhullah)’s famous Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah – Volume 8 Pages 195-250

Imam Ibn Kathir (rah) writes: You are Hussain bin Ali bin Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim Abu Abdullah al Qarshi al Hashimi (Radhi Allaho Anho), the grandson (of Prophet), son of his daughter Fatima Az Zahra (Radhi Allah Anha), bouquet of flowers for Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) in this world who got martyred in Karbala. You were born after your brother Al-Hassan(RA) who was born in 3 AH … and martyred at the age of 54 on the day of Friday the 10th Muharram.

It is narrated from Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) that he placed his (blessed) saliva on his Lips, made dua for him and named him Hussain (RA).. Zubair bin Bakkar(rah) narrated that Imam Hassan (RA) resembled the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam)’s looks whereas Imam Hussain (RA) resembled the Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam)’s body….

The Prophet (salallaho alaihi wasalam) used to honour them both and deal with them very gently, the net result is that Hussain (RA) lived during the times of Prophet (Salallaho alaihi wasalam) and attained his Suhbah till the Prophet (saw) died being happy with him [Note: This is perfect example of him being a Sahabi, whereas Yazid was not, so those who send Yazid to paradise and hypocritically use Radhi Allah with him though they deem it impermissible for other non- Sahaba should have some shame and fear Allah]

Hadrat Abu Bakr (RA) used to respect you immensely, so did Umar (RA) and Usman (RA), you stayed with your father (Ali RA) and narrated from him, also took part in the battles of Jamal and Safeen alongside your father, you were an obedient son till finally your father got martyred…..When Ameer Mu’awiya (RA) became Khalifa, you used to visit him with your brother and Mu’awiya (RA) used to honour you by welcoming you with many gifts, It is said that he gave you both 2 hundred thousand dirhams in a single dayContinue reading

Zayd ibn Thabit

We are in the second year of the Hijrah. Madinah the city of the Prophet is buzzing with activity as the Muslims prepare for  the long march southwards to Badr.

The noble Prophet made a final inspection of the first army to be mobilized under his leadership to wage Jihad against those  who had tormented the Muslims for many years and who were still bent on putting an end to his mission.

A youth, not yet thirteen, walked up to the ranks. He was confident and alert. He held a sword which was as long or possibly  slightly longer than his own height. He went up to the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and said: “I  dedicate myself to you, Messenger of God. Permit me to be with you and to fight the enemies of God under your banner.”

The noble Prophet looked at him with admiration and patted his shoulder with loving tenderness. He commended him for his  courage but refused to enlist him because he was still too young.

The youth, Zayd ibn Thabit, turned and walked away, dejected and sad. As he walked, in slow and measured paces, he stuck  his sword in the ground as a sign of his disappointment. He was denied the honor of accompanying the Prophet on his first  campaign. Behind him was his mother, an-Nawar bint Malik. She felt equally dejected and sad. She had dearly wished to see  her young son go with the army of mujahidin and to be with the Prophet at this most critical time.  Continue reading