Purification of the Soul

Tazkiya Nafs [91:9]



Diseases of the Heart

ο The Diseases and Their Cures

Diseases of the Heart – Introduction

General Treatment Plan for the diseases of the heart

Actions that purify the heart

Perfecting our Self

ο The Knowledge behind the Terminology and Concepts in Tassawwuf and it’s Origin

ο Itmamun Ni’am – Perfection of Morals

Works of The Scholars

Imam al Haddad

Imam al Ghazali

     From Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship.

     From Ihya Ullum al Deen (the Revival of Religious Sciences)

     ~ A growing number of Arabic manuscripts are now available online.

  • King Saud University manuscript collection. A link to one such ms copied in 12th cen AH by ʿA. A. Kanānī, a partial ms. More manuscripts are available here: link2, link3, link4, link5, link6, link7, link8, link9, and a summary here, Mukhtaṣar Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn: link10. (source Ghazali.org)

Shaykh Abdul Qadir al Jilani

     From Futuh al-Ghaib

     From Kitab Sirr al-Asrar wa Mazhar al-Anwar – Baz publishing

Ibn Rajab al Hanbali

Imam Nawawi

Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani

Various Works

Tazkiya Nafs [91:9] in Islam

Scholars on Tazkiya Nafs [91:9]