Build A Masjid in Mali, Africa (Please donate !)

Please help brother Yahya Zakariyya build a concrete masjid  in his village in Mali. Yahya came from a family that used to worship idols in Mali. Later in his life he converted to Islam and went to study in Mauritania. During his travels he met Shakh Rami Nsour and eventually spent some time with Murabit al Hajj (One of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s Teachers) and memorized the majority of the Quran.  Alhumdillah, with the guidance of Allah, Yahya converted nearly 200 people in his village that were mostly idol worshippers when he came back from his journey. He started an Islamic school with 150 students in a mud brick masjid with grass walls, which unfortunately collapsed due to rain in the past.

via Build A Masjid in Mali, Africa (Please donate !).